Hypnotherapy Hypno-Analysis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming at The Hypnotherapy Centre Fulham.

Isabella Sommerville


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On these pages you can find the practice locations, some of the conditions that hypnotherapy can help, a little about what hypnosis and NLP are, the types of therapy that hypnotherapists use, how to contact me if you would like to make an appointment and some links to professional organisations.

Practising from

Harley Street

Parsons Green House
27 Parsons Green Lane
London SW6 4HH

The Harley St practice is a ten minute walk from Bond St tube. View a map
The Parsons Green practice is nearly opposite the exit from Parsons Green underground station. View a map .



Hypnotherapy is increasingly being used to treat a variety of disorders from physical conditions to problems of a psychological or emotional nature, for example:

bullet point Stopping smoking (usually one session).
bullet point Weight loss.
bullet point Eating issues.
bullet point Blushing.
bullet point Anxiety and panic attacks.
bullet point Pain mangement.
bullet point Stress/anxiety management at work/home.
bullet point Alcohol issues.
bullet point Crisis control.
bullet point Anger management.
bullet point Fears and phobias including Dental.
bullet point Retirement Issues.
bullet point Type 2 diabetes motivational coaching.
bullet point Fibromyalgia.
bullet point Road rage.

bullet point Gender and Identity.
bullet point Obsessions and addictive behaviour.
bullet point Family issues eg parental support,caring for relatives etc.
bullet point Depression and low self esteem.
bullet point Sexual and relationship problems.
bullet point Feelings of dissatisfaction and under achievement.
bullet point Goal setting and personal development.
bullet point Exam nerves.
bullet point Working with children.
bullet point Psychosomatic disorders.
bullet point Irritable bowel syndrome.
bullet point Post traumatic stress.
bullet point Presentation and Stage fright.
bullet point Sleep disorders, including sleep apnoea and insomnia.
bullet point Hypnosis for a relaxed easy childbirth.
bullet point Trypanophobia, fear of injections.

This is a list of just a few of the many conditions and situations that can successfully be treated or improved during hypnosis in a confidential caring and non-judgemental environment, however hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical care or attention.


What is Hypnosis?
The word Hypnosis is derived from the Greek word Hypnos which means sleep. Despite this derivation a person under hypnosis is not actually asleep. Hypnosis is a state of consciousness during which the mind remains focussed and alert, concentrating on mental, sensory and physiological experiences. The hypnotic state is different to either wakefulness or sleep and is one in which awareness of the outside world becomes reduced and the mind comes into close contact with the inner self. Hypnosis is a very pleasant state to be in, muscles relax, there is a reduction in heart and respiration rates and one becomes very calm. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomena, it is non addictive and has no unpleasant side effects. When a Therapist induces a trance state the individual is empowered to make changes in his/her life which he/she feels would be beneficial. These benefits can be physical, behavioural or emotional.

Can anyone be hypnotised?
Yes anyone who is willing can be hypnotised. The depth of trance will vary from person to person but the therapy can be just as effective in light or heavy trance. The only people who cannot be hypnotised are those who do not want to be hypnotised.

Can a hypnotist make me act against my will?
Hypnosis is sometimes erroneously looked on as a form of mind control. People in old films are often portrayed as being forced to act against their will or better judgement and volunteers in hypnosis shows exhibit strange behaviours. In fact it is impossible to override the will, our unconscious mind looks after us all the time. If a hypnotist were to try to coerce someone to do something which ran counter to their own value system the individual would either ignore the suggestion or come out of trance. Volunteers in hypnosis shows have made an inner commitment for the sake of entertainment and are not forced to do anything.

Hypnosis is not a form of mind control. Hypnotherapy can be effective because the individual is in a state of extreme relaxation, free from anxiety, in a comfortable ambience and a close rapport with the therapist, and, actively co-operating in their own treatment.


Types of therapy utilised by hypnotherapists

Suggestion Therapy
This is useful for dealing with certain addictive behaviours such as smoking or nail biting and also for one off situations such as exam nerves
This therapy requires clients to allow themselves to go into a hypnotic trance during which the therapist makes suggestions aimed at bringing about the desired result.
One or two sessions are usually required and sometimes a booster session can be useful.

Analytical therapy   (Hypno-Analysis)
Analytical therapy is used to discover root causes of psychological problems. Hypno-Analysis reveals then removes these causes thereby relieving any resulting symptoms. The use of conscious hypnosis dramatically speeds up analysis and the results of 6 to 10 sessions are comparable to conventional "1000 hour" analysis.
The object of Analytical therapy is to bring the individual to a moment of liberating enlightenment.

Neuro Linguistic Programming teaches you how to reorganise the way you think so that you can reprogramme your mind to help you achieve your own personal goals in life.

Self hypnosis
After only a few consultations self hypnosis is taught enabeling individuals to work, while away from the therapist, on the areas of their lives that they wish to improve.


About the Therapist

Isabella originally trained with British Hypnosis Research (BHR) with Stephen Brooks at St Annes Hospital. She is committed to ongoing advanced personal development and training attending many and varied courses throughout the year to keep abreast of the latest developments and teachings in the therapeutic field.

Over the course of many years she has worked with thousands of people of all ages and from every walk of life and has helped to deal with all sorts of issues from the simplest to some of the most complex and unusual. She also specialises in working with people who do not speak English as their first language.

She believes that everyone should be able to live life to the full. She helps people to explore and discover the kind of changes they want to make for themselves, to help break down barriers that may be holding them back, empowering them to leave the past behind and live life in the present. She is particularly interseted in working with deep-rooted problems, to help create the kind of lasting success, at a deep, automatic, sub-conscious level, and to help the individual achieve happiness and fulfillment in a warm and caring, confidential and non judgemental environment.


Appointments are available Monday to Friday 2.00PM to 7.00PM.
Saturday, Sunday, 'out of hours' and Bank Holiday appointments are available by special arrangement.

If you have any questions you would like to ask, or if you would like to make an appointment please email or phone.

Telephone 0207-610-1967 (24Hrs)
Mobile 07957 380011 (24Hrs)

email :- isabella.sommerville@btinternet.com



NB. When emailing please mention hypnotherapy either in the subject line or in the body of the message.

All consultations are completely confidential.
Consultations are arranged by appointment only. It is regretted that casual callers cannot be seen.
Cancellation Policy. A minimum of 48 hours notice of cancellation must be given otherwise full session fee is payable. Cancellations must be made personnaly by telephone or voice message only. Cancellations can not be made by text or email.

You may be wondering why I do not publish testimonials. This is because:
1. They are considered unethical by many therapy related bodies
2. They can be fabricated
3. The Advertising Standards Authority require any testimonial to be verifiable and that would conflict with the confidentiality I offer my clients.
If you are unsure that I am the right therapist for you, please call or email me with your questions I am more than happy to answer any query you might have.


Help Us To Help You.

International Hypnotherapy Association Hypnotherapy Association logo

The National Council for Hypnotherapy NCH logo.

Federation of Small Businesses FSB logo

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